AND EVOLUTION," Second Edition
ZAMS.FOR = FORTRAN source file for ZAMS model builder;
ZAMS.EXE = Windows based PC executable code for ZAMS model builder;
MODIN.001 = Sample input for 1 solar mass model (X=0.74, Y=0.24);
MODIN.015 = Sample input for 15 solar mass model (ditto);
MODOUT.001 = Output for 1 solar mass model (ditto);
MODOUT.015 = Output for 15 solar mass model (ditto);
PULS.FOR = FORTRAN source file for pulsation code;
PULS.EXE = Windows based PC executable code for pulsation code;
PULSIN.001 = Sample input for 1 solar mass model (X=0.74, Y=0.24);
PULS.001 = Sample input file for PULS as generated by
ZAMS for 1 solar mass model (ditto);
PULSOUT.001= Sample output for 1 Msun using the given
input PULSIN.001 and PULS.001.
The files fall into two categories: programs and
input-output files. The programs ZAMS.FOR and PULS.FOR are briefly
described in README.PDF.
ZAMS computes zero-age main sequence models
(one model per run) and you can analyze these models for pulsation
using PULS. Both of these source code ASCII files are written in
standard FORTRAN and have been successfully compiled and run on
several types of computers. We also include the corresponding
executable files ZAMS.EXE and PULS.EXE for use on Windows based PC's.
These have been compiled using Microsoft Powerstantion FORTRAN and should be
ready to run on your PC. We do not recommend slow machines. ZAMS
isn't quick (but not terribly slow either). The reason is that we
insist that the resulting model be smooth for use in PULS---which
is considerably faster. Note that use of PULS.FOR or ZAMS.FOR on some
machines will require your asking for extended precision (as, e.g.,
G_Float in VAX VMS) during compilation.
Guesses for ZAMS and PULS may be found in the README.PDF file .
The ASCII files MODIN.001 and MODIN.015 show what your screen might
look like after you have entered input for calculating 1 or 15 Msun
ZAMS models using ZAMS.FOR or ZAMS.EXE with X (hydrogen mass fraction)
equal to 0.74 and Y (helium mass fraction) equal to 0.24. We advise
you to try out this input with their corresponding guesses of central
pressure and temperature, and surface radius and luminosity (in units
of Lsun). If you have chosen MODOUT.001 or MODOUT.015 as the file
names for output, then our files MODOUT.001 or MODOUT.015 on this
CD-ROM should be (nearly) identical to your output files. You should print out
these files to identify the output variables. So, for example, the
first block of output recalls your input (mass, composition, central
pressure, [Pc], etc.) and is followed by information relevant to
iterations and convergence. You will usually not need this information
but, if you have difficulties, it would be useful to us for debugging
from a distance (if you can get hold of us). After the line "FINAL
MODEL" we have the output for a fully converged model. The first bank
of lines consists of indexed columns. The first column gives the
relative mass interior to the surface (1-Mr/M) where Mr is M_r (the _
means subscript) and M stands for mass and r for radius. The other
columns list the base 10 logs of radius, pressure (P), temperature (T),
density (RHO), and interior total luminosity as a function of radius
(i.e., L_r). The second bank of columns list the logs of energy
generation rate (EPS), opacity (OP), convective luminosity (Lc) as a
function of radius, the ratio of convective to total luminosity
(Lc/Ltot), the actual Del (DEL), and then Delad (adiabatic) and the
radiative Del (DELRAD). With all this information you should be able to
figure out what's going on in the model ZAMS star. The units for all
these quantities are the same as those used in the text.
The pulsation code PULS.FOR (or PULS.EXE) uses output from ZAMS. You
ask ZAMS for this output by answering y (or Y) for "yes" when ZAMS asks
"DO YOU WANT PULSATION OUTPUT (Y/N)". If you answer this with n or N,
you do not get that output. The file PULS.001 on this diskette lists
such output when the input to ZAMS of MODIN.001 is used (the 1 solar
mass model, X=0.74, Y=0.24)). You can use this file directly if you
invoke PULS and tell it to use PULS.001 (as shown in our file PULSIN.001
which shows the screen after specifying the value of ell---the angular quantum
number---to be used and a guess for a period in seconds.) Sample output
from PULS is listed in PULSOUT.001 for this case. Note that this file
lists eigenfunctions which you may request by answering the appropriate
question asked by PULS. A primitive flow diagram for a 1 Msun
calculation is shown below.
| |
|---------| |---------|
| ZAMS |-----> PULS.001 ----->| PULS |
| CODE | | CODE |
|---------| |---------|
| |
Have fun,
Carl Hansen, Steve Kawaler, and Virginia Trimble